Steffen Böhmert
Steffen Böhmert joined Squarefield in 2022 from ICG Private Debt.
Steffen has a wealth of experience from nearly 30 years in Corporate and Leveraged Finance having worked both in private debt (ICG) and for banks (NIBC, IKB, Bayerische LB and WestLB). He is extremely well connected into the German financing and private equity landscape. He has done corporate recapitalisations and growth financings and has worked with private equity players in leveraged buy-outs and in Public-to-Private transactions.
At Squarefield, Steffen is primarily responsible for all debt and capital related advisory services in Germany. Steffen can hereby draw from his experience of a wide number of executed transactions with a combined debt value in excess of EUR 4.0bn.
Steffen holds an MBA (Dipl.-Kaufmann) from Universität Eichstättt-Ingolstadt and is a certified bank-clerk (Bankkaufmann).
Steffen works from our Frankfurt office.
E-mail: steffen.boehmert@squarefield.com