On October 1, 2018, our client Gebr. Sluyter BV (“Gebr.Sluyter” or the “Company”) has become a part of the Detmold based Ecclesia Group (or “Ecclesia”) to which also the Dutch companies Concordia de Keizer and Finance & Insurance belong.
Gebr. Sluyter is one of the larger players in the field of marine and transport insurance among specialty brokers, and a specialist in the maritime and seafood sectors. The takeover fits perfectly into Ecclesia’s pursued strategy to offer its clientele the best possible consulting and support services from risk management to hedging management.
The combined group can deliver a wide and intelligently combined product range of services and will thus further increase its service to its customers. After the takeover, Ecclesia will employ 175 people in the Netherlands who will continue to work at the various locations in Rotterdam and Amsterdam.
The Gebr. Sluyter company was established in the year 1920 and is headquartered in the World Trade Center at the Beursplein in Rotterdam. With approximately 50 employees the Company supports customers from different market segments. Gebr. Sluyter mainly operates within the maritime domain and transport sector, besides offering consultancy in other market areas.
The Ecclesia Group originated in the year 1909, now has 1,550 employees and maintains subsidiaries in eight European countries. The largest subsidiary in the Netherlands is the Concordia de Keizer company, an independent broker on the Dutch market.